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Make A Donation

Thank you for supporting the Saskatchewan Science Centre's efforts to inspire curiosity and innovation in children and youth across the province. With your help we are building a healthy future for young people in Saskatchewan.



Adopt A Laser Program.

For only $250, you can adopt a laser and help the Saskatchewan Science Centre illuminate the future of the Kramer IMAX Theatre!

Donation - $100

Thank you for supporting the Saskatchewan Science Centre's efforts to inspire curiosity and innovation in children and youth across the province. With your help we are building a healthy future for young people in Saskatchewan.

As a non-profi (more)

Donation - $25

Thank you for supporting the Saskatchewan Science Centre's efforts to inspire curiosity and innovation in children and youth across the province. With your help we are building a healthy future for young people in Saskatchewan.

As a non-profi (more)

Donation - $50

Thank you for supporting the Saskatchewan Science Centre's efforts to inspire curiosity and innovation in children and youth across the province. With your help we are building a healthy future for young people in Saskatchewan.

As a non-profi (more)

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